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As a San Francisco-based photographer, author, and educator, I specialize in expressive travel, landscape and fine art photography.

I seek to create images with both a bold, simple aesthetic and an insightful perspective. With a unique eye for artistic imagery, I try to bring out the interest in common scenes with strong colors and a unique point of view. My goal is for my images to combine dramatic photography, vivid colors and artistic touches to create new, captivating visions of the world. My passion to make photographs stems from my own experience of nature in both grand and intimate settings.

As published photography author and long-time educator, I also conduct photography seminars and workshops to help beginners and experienced photographers alike further their craft.

With a passion for excellence and dedication to detail, I use light as my tool to convey strong feelings with each image.

Selected Articles

I have published numerous photography articles, including:

  • “How to Get the Most Out of a Photography Workshop,”, July 2015
  • “Organize and Find Your Images in Adobe Lightroom—Just the DAM Basics,”, with co-author Mike Watson, May 2014
  • “Photographing Star Trails,”, with co-author Mike Watson, February 2014
  • “Planning Your Landscape Photos with TPE,”, with co-author Mike Watson, December 2013
  • How to Organize Photos in Adobe Lightroom,” PictureCorrect, with co-author Mike Watson, November 15, 2013